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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hershey Bears Jersey's

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100% without class. A complete disgrace to the players that wear them, the franchise that made them, and quite frankly, to the sport as a whole. Just an embarrassment.

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As a Bears fan, I feel the need to throw in my two cents here.

If I'm not mistaken, those particular uniforms were worn on only a few occasions early in the season and they've since worn their standard 3 jersey set save for certain special occasions when they wear themed jerseys (i.e. Christmas, Halloween). That being said, I do share the author's sentiments about wearing the other teams' logos on the shoulders.

In general though, I've been pretty disappointed with how the franchise has treated their uniforms over the years. Given how long and storied they are in the AHL, you'd think they'd stick with a certain jersey style or logo over time, but it seems that over the last 10 years, they've been changing their uniforms nearly every season. Ostensibly, they're doing so for the money, but just think if similarly time-weathered NHL teams took this route. What if the Red Wings and Canadiens suddenly started changing up their logos and uniform styles every year? We'd think they were raving mad.

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Nothing they do surprises me anymore, especially when it comes to having a total lack of class. To be honest, I'd surprised that they managed to restrain themselves enough to not put a big black "X" over the other logos.

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