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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blue Ice Hockey

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New start up in the stick business???? Appear to be a Toronto area company. They offer "Pro performance - Unbeatable prices".


Doesn't seem like a lot variety in terms of flexes or pattern choices - their top line "Pro" only comes in 90 and 100, the step down the SK-200 only comes in 85 flex.

Apparently they do custom branding too.

Did a search here first, and didn't find anything, so thought I'd post this.

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Pattern 3 is mental. Probably works best when skating backwards...

Seriously what the hell is that curve. It is quite mental indeed

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LOL, I think Pattern 3 was shot from the bottom up. I'll bet it's a lidstrom clone, but they didn't shoot it looking down the shaft.

It looks bottom up and angled as well. I was looking at an Al Macinnis pro stock last night and it looked like that from a down the shaft angle though: The blade just turned at a ~20-30 degree angle from the hosel.

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I agree with the comment by srv2miker on number 3 being taken upside down.

I think (and as it is usual with most starting/ smaller companies) they just have 4 basic patterns, which roughly are resembling:

Forsberg/Zetterberg/Modano (in this case number 1)

Sakic (number 2, again taken upside down)

Lidstrom (3)

Drury (4).

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Hmmm..So tempting to pick up the nano for $55 bucks though. Debating it.

I have an email to them expressing interest to place an order... I will keep everyone updated if I decide to go through with it

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I have an email to them expressing interest to place an order... I will keep everyone updated if I decide to go through with it

Lol I did the same 30 minutes ago.

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They are sold out of nanos for the special price, I guess they were clearing stock on last year's model. This year's nanos are $99 it would cost $35 to have the stick shipped to me in Pensylvania I just ordered the Sk200 for a total price of $90 and I will post a review when i get it/get to use it My next game is the 25th so hopefully it comes by then.

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Interesting. That shipping charge is a real damper. Hopefully it would be cheaper to michigan.

Yea but a total of $90 for a stick that is supposed to compare to a rbk 8k or 9k (according to them) what the heck, and if it compares to a lower end stick that is $90 Im ok with that too lol

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Yeah, hopefully it does. And hopefully you get it soon to get a quick review! Gonna do some more research cause I'm really interested in the nano. $135~ aint bad compared to ~200. But, can get 2010 DD dolomite's for $139 now..decisions, decisions.

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Yeah, hopefully it does. And hopefully you get it soon to get a quick review! Gonna do some more research cause I'm really interested in the nano. $135~ aint bad compared to ~200. But, can get 2010 DD dolomite's for $139 now..decisions, decisions.

hopefully it gets here for my next game, and if I like it Ill probably get a nano when I have the funding for it

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I just want to add that I ordered from, Dave Kornhaber. Dave was extremely helpful with my questions and the ordering process. He was quick to respond to my emails and so far he has been a pleasure to deal with.

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Kid on my hockey team got nano pro. Really likes it and coach is talking about ordering for team next year.

Did they say anything specific about it? I am very curious as to what Im getting myself into lol

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Gotta hold off for a bit, the P1 curve is back ordered and Im to fond of that style to accept the other curves offered. The next shipment should come in within the next 2 weeks.

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