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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Visor Fitting

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What is the preferred fitting for a visor and why? I just got one for the first time and fitted it so that it's close to the helmet with no gap above the forehead, but then looked online and it seems the pros have quite a gap between helmet and visor?

Is there any reason for this or just personal preference?

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It's mostly personal preference.

The farther from your face the visor is, the more room there is for a stick/puck to get up under it. Even with the fog sprays and coatings...some people have experience fogging issues if it sits to close to the face. Find what's comforatble for you and go with it. I think mine sits about 2 finger widths off my nose.

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It's mostly personal preference.

The farther from your face the visor is, the more room there is for a stick/puck to get up under it. Even with the fog sprays and coatings...some people have experience fogging issues if it sits to close to the face. Find what's comfortable for you and go with it. I think mine sits about 2 finger widths off my nose.

Yeah see what you mean about more risk with butt ends getting in there - OK I'll have a play and see what works. Thanks

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I keep mine as far away from my face as possible, for less fogging.

I'm the opposite I keep it as close as possible with the smallest of gaps, it just feels really weird to me when its far away, I personally haven't had any fogging issues

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I'm the opposite I keep it as close as possible with the smallest of gaps, it just feels really weird to me when its far away, I personally haven't had any fogging issues

I've actually never tried having it the closest. Maybe my next visor i will try it super close.

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Tried it last night with the close fitting, no gap above forehead etc.

My only problem was where I usually wipe the sweat from my firehead, I was catching my finger on the visor and making it wet.

There wasn't hardly any fiogging, only a tiny bit at the top that I couldn't see without trying.

Might try it a touch looser on Friday and see how it goes.

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