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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sport Freak73

S17 skates with Tuuks?

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Several people here have done this.

Yes, it works, and yes you'll have to either expand a few holes or drill a few new ones to make them line up.

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With LS2 you will need to drill new holes. Going to the Tuuk Custom+ will not, as it uses the same hole pattern as the Razr Blade holder.

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With LS2 you will need to drill new holes. Going to the Tuuk Custom+ will not, as it uses the same hole pattern as the Razr Blade holder.

MLSman is absolutely correct. I had Tuuks put onto my SE16's and the guy at the shop forgot to tell me that. I had the Lightspeed 2's put on and they had to redrill the holes. If I had known the hole pattern was the same for the Tuuk Customs I would have had them put on instead.

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Or if you really don't want to mess with drilling new holes, you can use C+ with 3mm heel lifts made from plastic usually HDPE. Actually if you never had this combo before of Stealth +LS2 a cheaper solution is to try heel lifts first with RZII then if you like it, either just buy C+ or LS2


with my experience, you would more likely want heel lifts with the LS2s after coming from the RZIIs as the easton holders have a more aggressive pitch

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