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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Using a 12" wood extension?

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So after PSHG posted their new Warrior shipment last week I jumped on the Robidas Pro Patterns they had. Essentially a Kovalchuk Pro clone (weird toe shape and shaved heel) but in a stiffer flex than Kovy uses... PSHG listed the length as 61". Now I assumed that was heel-to-end. There was a doubt in my mind that it was against a wall, but they were closed when I saw the stick listed and I wanted to make sure I got the one they had in stock - so I ordered it.

Well it shows up and its super-short. 60.5 inches against a wall... I use really long sticks and the only way I can get this to the length I want is by adding a 11-inch extension to it. Thankfully some places sell them this long!

I am use to using 5-6 inch extensions, but this would be double that amount.

Has anyone ever used an extension that long before? With the stiff flex of the stick (feels like a 130 at its current length), will the wood extension even hold up?

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So after PSHG posted their new Warrior shipment last week I jumped on the Robidas Pro Patterns they had. Essentially a Kovalchuk Pro clone (weird toe shape and shaved heel) but in a stiffer flex than Kovy uses... PSHG listed the length as 61". Now I assumed that was heel-to-end. There was a doubt in my mind that it was against a wall, but they were closed when I saw the stick listed and I wanted to make sure I got the one they had in stock - so I ordered it.

Well it shows up and its super-short. 60.5 inches against a wall... I use really long sticks and the only way I can get this to the length I want is by adding a 11-inch extension to it. Thankfully some places sell them this long!

I am use to using 5-6 inch extensions, but this would be double that amount.

Has anyone ever used an extension that long before? With the stiff flex of the stick (feels like a 130 at its current length), will the wood extension even hold up?

I have used ones this long for broken shafts. I even made one from an old wood stick that had to be 16" long just for fun. Obviously, the flex point of the stick is all changed but I found that it worked great-better than an identical shaft with a shorter plug. Not sure if it was because of the flex point changing but I could definitely notice the flex being lower due to the longer plug obviously.

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As is, wood plugs tend to stiffen up the stick you put them in. In your case, however, with a stick already @130, I'm not quite sure. My hunch is to expect the stiffness to still go up, but perhaps not as drastically with others.

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My main concern is that the shaft is so stiff to begin with that the wood plug would be doing a majority of the flexing.

I am a strong guy and weigh alot, so I am sure the stick will flex anyway, but I am worried that the wood extension is going to flex more and possibly crack the shaft! 11+ inches of leverage is a lot if you ask me!

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Something tells me that the 130 shaft will be more flexible than eleven inches +two of solid wood. I think the top third of your stick is going to be beyond rigid (for us little guys at least).

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that long it will be weak where shaft meets extension

alot of hard shots or someone running into you or crosscheck


I tried it with an OPS that had broken high up on the shaft. It lasted about 4 games before breaking at the fuse point on a play in the corner that wouldn't have been enough to break a full OPS. You could always replace the plug as necessary. I just moved on to a different stick.

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I just moved on to a different stick.

I'd love to! I just really want to try this stick. I have been using the retail Gionta curve for a while now and wanted to try something with a little more hook. And I wanted to try a super-stiff stick like this... Part of me is just saying sell it, the other half is wanting to give it a try...

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See if Joe over at Oggie has any pro stock grips in super-stiff for sale. That could add 6-7" without seriously damaging anything. I can't use anything over 2-3" but then again I have to intermediates down a few inches, nevermind senior sticks 6-8".

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