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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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a glimmer of hope?

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Espn aired an ad which I saw for the first time tonight..maybe it's not the first airing, but I hadn't seen it before tonight.....

It was 80% about Gretzky(the Great One") and the things it takes to be great, supposedly promoting the new movie "Alexander"(The original "Great").

However most of the ad was about Gretzky in relationship to the word "greatness" while twirling a hockey stick, and the last question posed by him after the title "Alexander" flashed across the screen for a nanosecond...was..."but could he do it on ice?

Now forgive me for snatching at straws, but if that wasn't a hockey promo I am really losing it. Is Espn trying to be subtle and tell us something?

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Marino did the same History Channel commercial.

Yup, they're both promos for the history channel special on Alexander the great.

I'm sure if Alexander could answer Gretz's question of "Yeah, but could he do it on Ice?" it would be "I'd do it just about anywhere, with a cute feller like you..." if you know what I mean.. ;)

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I saw this while watching Spartacus, needless to say I thought it was pretty cool and I hope I remember to watch that Alexander the Great special since I just have a thing for history.

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