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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Team issued workout shorts

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Does anyone know where I can find these? You know the kinds the players use when you see them working out, or kicking the soccer ball during pregame. I had a Blues pair back in the day, when CCM used to dress the players. Any help would be appreciated.

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I saw nice shorts from UnderArmour and WSI for team-orders...or do you just want some of a special team...or just good work-out shorts for yourself?

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I saw nice shorts from UnderArmour and WSI for team-orders...or do you just want some of a special team...or just good work-out shorts for yourself?

I'm basically looking for pro or college teams

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You don't play for them, that's why you can't get them.

by that logic we couldn't get pro stock gear. I think there's just not enough of a market for "pro stock shorts." And I doubt many pros send back a pair of shorts cuz they weren't just right.

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KO Sports in Canonsburg, PA actually has a ton of the shorts, little pricey but pretty sweet.

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