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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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getting a new catcher

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If there are any goalie experts on here i have a good question. I'm interested in getting a custom glove from goaliemonkey and i'm not sure what kind of break my old glove had. Is it 60 degree or 90 degree?


This is the glove i was figuring was almost identical to the old one i had.


and this is the color scheme i was thinking about.


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If there are any goalie experts on here i have a good question. I'm interested in getting a custom glove from goaliemonkey and i'm not sure what kind of break my old glove had. Is it 60 degree or 90 degree?

This is the glove i was figuring was almost identical to the old one i had.


and this is the color scheme i was thinking about.

That's a 580 glove, right? According to the customizer on there, the break angle of the 580 was 90*, and the 590 was 60*, so if you want the same thing, go with the 90*

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That's a Koho 560, and it's definitely a 90-degree break (on Lefebvre's measures). The new Koho 90-degree will feel similar, but not exactly the same; there have been a lot of subtle incremental changes since the 560, many of which are improvements but which have changed the feel of the glove appreciably.

Nice looking colour scheme, too, Cam.

Wow-- I just managed to post on MSH. Maybe that means I'll get to skate this month...

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That's a Koho 560, and it's definitely a 90-degree break (on Lefebvre's measures). The new Koho 90-degree will feel similar, but not exactly the same; there have been a lot of subtle incremental changes since the 560, many of which are improvements but which have changed the feel of the glove appreciably.

Nice looking colour scheme, too, Cam.

Wow-- I just managed to post on MSH. Maybe that means I'll get to skate this month...

Nice to see you back.

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alright thanks guys

here is my second set of questions

there are all of these options to pick from and i dont know what they are or what people would recommend.

if no one has any suggestions i'll call them and see what they say.


are there any options you would definitely ask for? I know i want the pro palm - but didnt know what else.

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One piece cuff will be solid throughout the wrist. The idea is to give a more rigid blocking area.

Ex of one piece: http://www.goaliemonkey.com/reebok-goalie-glove-revoke-pro-zone-stock.html

Ex of two piece: http://www.goaliemonkey.com/reebok-goalie-glove-revoke-pro-zone.html

Personally, I don't think it makes too much of a difference, but when given the choice I always pick the 2 piece because of slightly better wrist mobility. Again the difference is very slight and it's not something that is make or break for me. If it means anything, your 560 is 2 piece.

Your T-Pocket options are limited to the first two because you picked the 580 break. The standard will have the tee laced where the break of the glove is. The offset will have it towards where your 4 fingers are. Both of the gloves I linked to above have the standard tee.

Ex of offset: http://cf.mp-cdn.net/41/41/fc08ff3d5b8859070f927bc26952.jpg

I've never played with an offset so I cannot comment, but from what I've read, the glove is supposed to close better and have a better feel. From what I can tell in your photo, your 560 has the standard setup.

For the palm, the B or C color option is simply which color you want your palm to be. For the other option, Nash is a brown material that is supposed to help deaden the shot and also provide greater feel for the puck so in theory, there are less popouts. Honestly, if you blindfolded me, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference while playing.

Ex of nash palm and tee: http://www.goaliestore.com/board/attachments/equipment-forum/16261d1234293673-official-koho-thread-koho-590s.jpg

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Just so everyone is clear, these gloves are exactly the same as the current Reebok line, just with a different skin.

Ron's given some great advice, but there are a few points worth addressing.

First off, with the Reebok/Koho glove designs, the one-piece cuff is actually *more* mobile than the two-piece. The two-piece glove has a 'locked-in wrist,' in which the wrist enters straight along the back of the cuff. The one-piece has an angled wrist 'receiver' (for lack of a better word) so that your hand can naturally open up to face the puck on the shooter's stick. Basically, if you like a fingers-forward, handshake glove position, go with the two-piece; if you like a palm-forward, thumb-up or (less properly) fingers-up glove position, go with the one-piece. (I talked about this at great length in my MSH Warrior Messiah set review.)

The 560 definitely has the classic tee that folds in the middle, but the Vortek glove Ron linked to isn't quite the same as the Reebok version of an offset tee. With the Vortek, the pocket is actually laced in off-centre; with the Reebok/Koho, the tee is laced in at the same place, but angles over to the finger-side of the break:


Like Ron said, some guys think it gives better closure. I don't think it makes a bit of difference.

Likewise, I don't think I could tell a Nash palm and Tee from a regular Jenpro palm and tee to save my life.

To Cam, good call on the regular 'Pro' palm: the Practice glove is way overboard for anyone who isn't facing hundreds of 85+mph shots per day.

I would also suggest the 'Standard' nylon wrist strapping; the leather option sounds better, but is actually much harder to adjust, and yields a less exact fit.

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awesome - i guess my big question is do you think the koho 588 rpm glove is going to be the closest match to my old glove? because honestly that is what i am looking for.

the only other thing i was interested in but might not be possible is a glove that i can stickhandle with - i've never been able to play the puck well no matter what glove i use. it might be i need to learn a better technique but any glove i have ever used i can't even grip the stick other than with my blocker.

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Honestly Cam, GM's description of the 588 RPM glove makes no sense. They say it has an offset pocket, but not of the pictures show one. Most of the other options aren't even mentioned.

My advice would be to order the custom glove, but put a note in your order saying that if they have this exact glove in stock, they could just send you that. In my experience, GM's customer service is pretty good about stuff like that. This way, you'll get exactly what you want in the end, no matter what, rather than rolling the dice on a poorly described in-stock option.

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