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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike Apollo or Inno Novius

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Coulda made A, i think. I'm playing at Brebeuf (my school). They have 1 Gretzky (mid curve, 5 lie) and 1 Jovonovski (like a Drury but not as curved, 5.5 lie) - I bought the other one. They're standard blades btw, and on the same rack as the other comp blades/OPS.

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kk thanks i will be looking at tommorow!

off topic---jackal, how this school league work?? do you have some nice challenge or it like a ''A/B'' house league??I was suppose to play with Dalbé-Viau but i found their organisation too bad admistraded!

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I'm playing at Brebeuf

LOL, I was like wtf? Brebeuf is my school... I live in hamilton though. Just a brain fart, cause I had a tryout at 5 for my brebeuf high school.

Meh, its like Notre Dame, there are many schools by that name.

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