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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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short hosel blade

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guys, which brand that offers short hosel standard blade? all i know is sherwood but its quite expensive.

I love standard shaft in 85 flex but standard hosel blade makes it a long stick for me (i'm 5'8). So what i did is using lower lie.. After several games, somehow its hard to use longer stick for stick handling and battling puck along the boards. If i cut my shaft, the flex is too stiff... i'm thinking getting shorter hosel blade to be able to use higher lie and shorter stick too. any help?

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guys, which brand that offers short hosel standard blade? all i know is sherwood but its quite expensive.

I love standard shaft in 85 flex but standard hosel blade makes it a long stick for me (i'm 5'8). So what i did is using lower lie.. After several games, somehow its hard to use longer stick for stick handling and battling puck along the boards. If i cut my shaft, the flex is too stiff... i'm thinking getting shorter hosel blade to be able to use higher lie and shorter stick too. any help?

Reebok has small hosel blades.

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