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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2 piece fused OPS

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I know that some sticks like the Dolomite are actualy a 2 piece fused together to make the one piece and I have heard of people having the blade come out, as well as many taking it out themselves. What other sticks are made like this? Is it common? Im asking because I have a One95 and I really really like the curve but the shaft is to stiff for me. I want to figure out if I can take the blade out and put it in something else. Any suggestions?

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I know that some sticks like the Dolomite are actualy a 2 piece fused together to make the one piece and I have heard of people having the blade come out, as well as many taking it out themselves. What other sticks are made like this? Is it common? Im asking because I have a One95 and I really really like the curve but the shaft is to stiff for me. I want to figure out if I can take the blade out and put it in something else. Any suggestions?

Easton SE16 is a fused two piece stick

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On that subject, what is the best way to remove a Dolomite blade from the shaft on the more recent models? I had an '07 Dolomite that I was able to pull the blade off easily with a little heat from the stove, but that doesn't seem to be the case with my 2011 Spyne, nor with a friend's Olympic Dolo. Did they change something?

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