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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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APX vs 7.0 - More Details

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If you have fit problems then yes, even if no fit problems and have the extra cash always go with custom, plus it's good to establish custom order connections early in life. What you're not taking into consideration is that APX is not a Vapor skate, it's a Total one skate made on a Vapor last. So I think if you’re going custom then the difference between T1 and APX might be only cosmetic. What you should try is getting X60 custom while it's still available as an option, or see if you can pre-order APX 7.0 as custom. One thing to note is you're only 16 so if your foot grows then it’s a waste of money. At 140 lb you'll have a hard time flexing the T1 or the APX skate.


thank you,

im not concerned about the stiffness as i have x 60's now wich are beat to shit. holders coming off boot (non rivet problem) and riips and tears plus they are very soft . i was able to break them in well though

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So based on all these comments, would it be a fair deduction that someone who fits in the old vapor series well, i.e. x60, would not fit well in an APX skate (excluding any custom work)? It sounds like they may fit, but that they would be too roomy...true?

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The only person that commented on the actual fit of the skates is JR and he has mentioned that he isn't a vapor guy. Maybe wait til the skates come out?

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Does anyone know if the new Vapor X series has the same heel lock as the current Vapor skates, or did Bauer re-design the Vapor with more padding in the heel? I loved the Vapor X:40 in every way except my heel would not stay down. Supreme line locks me in better but would really like a Vapaor with better heel lock. Thanks!

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what is the width of your x40s?

The fit is staying the same - so unless you need to play with the widths, the supreme from the sound of it will be a better skate for you.

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