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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Earthquake in Japan, Tsunamis in HI/CA/OR

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There is an emergency power line being sent to the factory, from what they said it is almost completed, so the cooling mechanism may be restored tonight. May have little impact, but thats better than nothing

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Your basing your logic on a number of assumptions. Your first assumption is that there is groundwater underneath the reactor.

They have confirmed that there is groundwater contamination

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They have confirmed that there is groundwater contamination

Then I stand corrected, all I had heard is that it was on bedrock. There is a lot of information coming out every minute

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so i found some shit that the NRC chair says the spent fuel storage pool is dry. that's bad. Japan is denying it... However, if japan is BSing, there could be some heavy sanctions. my understanding is that after chernobyl, nuclear nations agreed to be candid about disasters, or face stiff sanctions.

theres quite a bit of development... i really need to refrain until i have a better understanding. gonna post in the morning.

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as of this morning, it looks like radiation levels to the workers have been lower than expected. this is a good thing.

reports that the spent fuel pool can go critical are wrong, they'd need a sufficient geometry, and a moderator to thermalize the neutrons in order to fission the U-235(the main isotope)... any U238 in there is negligible, so while it can fission due to fast neutrons, it's not sustainable.

The spent fuel pool is of concern because the cladding on the fuel rods can get damaged, which would expose raw fissile material and fission byproducts.

the dousing operations seem to be getting well organized, and should hopefully become effective in short order.

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I was a teenager living in Moscow when Chernobil reactor exploded.

Just recently we are finding out more about the true long-term effects of radiation poisoning. Impact areas are way bigger then anybody imagined.

Couple of years ago looking to adopt a special needs kid from Ukraine we got some firsthand exposure to so called 'black orphanages'. Kids and adults living their lives in near total isolation, hidden from the world so nobody sees the true impact of being exposed. My son was born with a cleft and I though that was something till I was able to see some of these guys. Newborns are still euthanized today because medical system is not capable and/or has no desire to help them.

Those that survive (born in remote areas, etc.) are mostly abandoned and eventually end up in these special orphanages and later hospitals that are never exposed to the public eye.

For Japan today, we can only hope and pray for best, provide whatever help we can, as true impact of this tragedy will be seen for many many years to come...

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Docar, to put it lightly, chernobyl was insane. The reactor design was extremely poor... basically, their reactor let it run-away when things got worse... basically, they needed moderators to control the reaction, as opposed to facilitate in most designs (I can't say all, but it's prudent to).

The long term impacts of chernobyl really are unknown, but some ugly results have been seen so far... increased thyroid cancer for one... but the crux of the issue with chernobyl, is that the russian governement hid the true damage initially. Also, the design facilitated massive spread.

That said the GE mark 1 is known to be 'less than optimal'

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