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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHLPA computer system uncovered

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Holding out is the main leverage that most players have to get the best deal possible.

Personally, I'd love it if the NHL were to collectively bargain a drop dead date at the start of training camp for RFAs to sign contracts. I know the NHLPA would never go for it, but I think it would be great.

At a minimum, I think more teams should draw that line in the sand like the Islanders have chosen to recently.

If I owned a team, I know I'd have a rule that said that if you weren't signed by the start of training camp that you were sitting the whole season and you weren't being traded no matter who you were or what happened.

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I think that if you have a signed contract you need to honor it..

if you are an RFA or UFA though..it gives the owners all the leverage to lowball those right before training camp...no way that's happening...

maybe a franchise designation for certain players..ala the NFL..where they are paid the avg of the top 5 players at their position...

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