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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacing shingaurd knee caps

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has anyone ever had knee caps replaced by peaches? they have "jofa style" listed on their website, I am looking to go a pair of Jofa 9090 shin guards repaired and was just curious about other members' experiences. thanks!

Sorry about the misspelled topic, its late.

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yeah I have already spoken with him and he was great, was just curious if anyone has had it done and how they came out as compared to the orginal cap. thank though!

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has anyone ever had knee caps replaced by peaches? they have "jofa style" listed on their website, I am looking to go a pair of Jofa 9090 shin guards repaired and was just curious about other members' experiences. thanks!

Sorry about the misspelled topic, its late.

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