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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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need some advice coming back from ankle injury

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so i'm coming back from a avulsion sprain in my ankle been out 5 weeks and am going back to play this thursday the injury was dun at basketball not hockey but my question is should i try taping the ankle or is there a brace that is thin enough that won't effect the skate thanks

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so i'm coming back from a avulsion sprain in my ankle been out 5 weeks and am going back to play this thursday the injury was dun at basketball not hockey but my question is should i try taping the ankle or is there a brace that is thin enough that won't effect the skate thanks

I tore all the ligaments in my ankle earlier this past summer. I bought a couple ankle braces and none of them really helped as they didn't fit right inside of my skate. There was one of the cheap ankle sleeves like you can get at target/walmart similar to this:http://www.cho-pat-store.com/pics/chopat/cho-pat-ankle-compression-sleeve.CS-1.2.125.jpg that was not a problem but it offers more peace of mind then actual protection.

My advice is if your ankle is healed then don't worry most skates offer enough protection and stiffness in the ankle that additional taping/braces won't help. If it is not healed stop and don't skate. Ankle injuries can reoccur very quickly if not properly healed and you will just continue to have a nagging pain until it heals properly.

I had to wait 3+ months + physical therapy and it was absolutely awful but when I came back it was ready to go besides being out of shape.

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If it hurts, stop playing. You'll do more damage and it will take longer to heal if you're trying to play through it.

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Start physical activities slowly and climb the "mountain" in stages.

After I tore up my ankle and leg last spring, this is what worked for me:

1. Ankle exercises as prescribed by my physical therapist.

2. Running

3. Public Skating.

4. Open Hockey

As far as the time frames its really up to how you ankle feels and what you want to do. I think what you will find is any of these activities will hurt like hell like first. After you finish your ankle will feel stronger and stronger every time.

I did not use a brace in any of these stages BTW as I built my ankle back up slowly.

Good luck.

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Start physical activities slowly and climb the "mountain" in stages.

After I tore up my ankle and leg last spring, this is what worked for me:

1. Ankle exercises as prescribed by my physical therapist.

2. Running

3. Public Skating.

4. Open Hockey

As far as the time frames its really up to how you ankle feels and what you want to do. I think what you will find is any of these activities will hurt like hell like first. After you finish your ankle will feel stronger and stronger every time.

I did not use a brace in any of these stages BTW as I built my ankle back up slowly.

Good luck.

Some good information for you here. One more thing I did after breaking my left fibula was to get on the road bike and then mountain bike a while after that. I skated at the 9-week point very lightly and just slowly kept up exercising and skating. I broke it and had the surgery for plate/4 screws Jan 2010 and waited to play until early this past fall; rougly 9 months. Ditto taking time to progress and stop if it hurts more than a little bit.

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I came back after ankle issues twice, both times probably too soon.

First one was when I initially hurt the ankle, did some physio for a few weeks. They told me it was a sprain, so after a few weeks I started playing again even though it was bugging me. Kept doing physio but it wasn't getting much better, turns out there was a bone chip.

So after all that, I had surgery. Then did physio for a while, the therapist said I could go back into skating if I really wanted at some point (I don't remember exactly). It was probably too early, but because the skate boot kind of acts like a cast around your whole foot/ankle, it's possible to skate much sooner than you can run.

Both times, I tried taping it up like the therapist showed me but I didn't find it helped much since the boot was compressing the ankle and holding it all together anyway.

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