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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 11k Stick

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I picked up a 9K yesterday. $127.99 from Sportchek. I couldn't say no at that price. I picked up an 85 Datsyuk, which looks a very good pattern to me, for my "style" way more mellow then the Backstrom/Hall style I've been using, and I think this is a good thing. I could have picked up an 11K for $187.99 but at the end of the day, I couldn't justify the extra $ as I only play Shinny (although three times a week). They also had an Easton ST at the same price point, but the Easton Patterns they had (Hall and Getzlaf) were a little more wild then I was looking for this time. I've had both of those patterns and I wanted to go with something less open, and Reebok in general seems to be this way from what I could tell in the store. Also, the 9k just looked better then the ST in my eyes, well... more blingy anyway.

Anyway, I played with it last night and I really really liked the feel and release. It definitely has a different feel from the One95 I've been playing with, more lively or something. but I was able to catch passes easily and skating with the puck on my blade felt really good. My snap shot seemed noticably harder but sadly my accuracy hasn't improved, (not ANY sticks fault LOL).

As you can tell, I recommend, especially at that price point.

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Got it on the 20% off? Nice. The 9K is a great stick, the Spear construction as opposed to the single weave is mainly what seperates it from the 11K, which, to be honest, isn't a huge difference. Did you find that it played a bit stiffer than your One95?

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Ya, it was on sale, then another 20% off. like I said, just couldn't say no at that price. That's sort of how I buy all my sticks tho. I've never paid full retail for a stick and god willing, never will.

I have two One95s, one is a pro stock with a strange flex of like 107 or something, and the other is retail and an 87. Obviously the 107 plays very stiff. I'd say the 9k is between them, so yes, slightly stiffer then a comparable Bauer. I'm not sure if this is just me, but the way the stick flexed felt different. Don't know how to explain it. Do these sticks have different kick points? I dunno. felt different, but in a good way.

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I picked up one of these about two weeks ago. After using it about 4 times, there's already a decent sized chip in the toe. The blade still feels strong, but the chip is already fraying.

I dig the stick, but it seems like it's going to become a shaft in the near future. Bummer.

2 Months later and the chip is roughly the same size and hasn't grown.

At first I had a hard time with how light this stick was, but now that I'm used to it I really like it.

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it looks like Ice Warehouse and Hockey Giant have these on sale today.

is the 11k worth it at $170 or the 9k worth it at $145? Free shipping at ice warehouse.

Right now I'm playing with a ccm u06 with a tavares blade. I really like it, but i'm still a beginner and the flex seems a little stiff. it's an 85 and I had to cut about two inches off (I'm 5'8). If I end up ordering a 9 or 11k, would I be better off going with an intermediate 65 flex (probably have to cut an inch or so off) or a senior 75 flex (probably have to cut 2 inches off).

forgot to ask too, griptonite or no? What exactly is the griptonite?

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it looks like Ice Warehouse and Hockey Giant have these on sale today.

is the 11k worth it at $170 or the 9k worth it at $145? Free shipping at ice warehouse.

Right now I'm playing with a ccm u06 with a tavares blade. I really like it, but i'm still a beginner and the flex seems a little stiff. it's an 85 and I had to cut about two inches off (I'm 5'8). If I end up ordering a 9 or 11k, would I be better off going with an intermediate 65 flex (probably have to cut an inch or so off) or a senior 75 flex (probably have to cut 2 inches off).

forgot to ask too, griptonite or no? What exactly is the griptonite?

Griptonite is one of the strongest grip coating on a stick IMO. So if you prefer grip on your sticks then go for it.

You're probably better off with a 75 flex senior as you said the 85 flex U06 feels a little stiff. Intermediates would be too soft but then again I find the intermediates from RBK feel stiffer than rated compared to a Bauer or Easton in the same flex.

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is the prices I listed a good deal or ordinary?

I'm from Canada so the prices you listed are pretty good in comparison but it will most likely drop to $150 for the 11k on closeout but then curve and flex selection will be very limited.

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im still using my 11k for defence. that is a good price for the stick, but ill echo two things others have posted.

1. this stick plays, in my opinion, stiffer than the competition

2. Griptonite is VERY grippy compared to other grips.

outside of chipping, especially at the toe, this stick has held up to some pretty good abuse over the last 7 months, and is pretty solid overall. my blade is starting to really soften up, and i am in the midst of switching over to Miken sticks, but i wouldnt have a problem recommending the 11k at that price point.

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Just wanted to update my 9k experience so far, because after just 3 games, I'm seeing a lot of chips in the blade in a way I haven't experienced before. Even my old 10k (which supposedly suffered from an easily chipped blade) held up better than this. It makes me worried about the longevity of this stick.

Otherwise, I'm a happy camper.

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I picked up a 9K yesterday. $127.99 from Sportchek. I couldn't say no at that price. I picked up an 85 Datsyuk, which looks a very good pattern to me, for my "style" way more mellow then the Backstrom/Hall style I've been using, and I think this is a good thing. I could have picked up an 11K for $187.99 but at the end of the day, I couldn't justify the extra $ as I only play Shinny (although three times a week). They also had an Easton ST at the same price point, but the Easton Patterns they had (Hall and Getzlaf) were a little more wild then I was looking for this time. I've had both of those patterns and I wanted to go with something less open, and Reebok in general seems to be this way from what I could tell in the store. Also, the 9k just looked better then the ST in my eyes, well... more blingy anyway.

Anyway, I played with it last night and I really really liked the feel and release. It definitely has a different feel from the One95 I've been playing with, more lively or something. but I was able to catch passes easily and skating with the puck on my blade felt really good. My snap shot seemed noticably harder but sadly my accuracy hasn't improved, (not ANY sticks fault LOL).

As you can tell, I recommend, especially at that price point.

I am interested in buying a 9k or 11k and have been using the the sakic/hall curve for a longtime curveand is looking for a more mellow do you think the datsyuk fits this bill? Also would like to know if its more open than an iginla curve

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