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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kovalev Pro Curve

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Not liking the look of Kovalev's newer pro curve, looks like a Hossa pro for sure (although the rocker could be totally different), which I'm not a fan of.

His old curve looks like tonnes of fun though.

i just got some new perron rbk sticks which should be identical to kovalev but right-handed - here are some pics




Where did you find these? Any more available? Very intriguing looking curve, and given that it's a righty with a flex I can handle, it's a stick I'd love to try. Out of curiosity, when you get out on the ice I'd be curious to know if they're really low kick sticks that play very stiff (like retail sick kicks), or if they feel like more of a mid kick.

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occasionally they show up under the pro stock section on hockeymonkey or else they pop up on ebay every once in a while.

i know kovalev usually used stiffer sticks (either 100 or 110 flex) but i guess perron uses a lower flex.

kovalev has one curve that he has tweaked into different versions (one with very gradual curve and the one with a curve right at the toe) - and so does perron as far as i can tell.

once i use the stick ill let you know where the kickpoint is - don't know yet

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i can verify kovalev uses a standard blade filled with urethane foam and that it is longer than a usual blade - the shape of the blade is always the same and has the huge rocker and same lie - but i do think he fiddled around with having a slight toe curve the past couple years - i think i have 4 kovalev pro stock blades - one being easton and 3 being warrior - and the warrior ones have a little bit more of a curve than back in his easton days. i dont have a scale but i assume you are probably right on the weight as well.

as far as perron - he has definitely experimented with the kovalev curve with a slight toe curve added - but i dont know if it is a clone of something kovalev actually used or if it is something he came up with himself.

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oh another strange fact i almost forgot is that the hosel on kovalev's blade is an inch or so longer than a standard blade - not sure what good that does but it just is for some reason

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Let me put to rest all the Kovalev pro stock rumors. Kovalev’s actual pro curve that he uses has not changed in the last 15 years, not the curve, not the lie and not the rocker. It’s still standard length blade (not tapered) filled fully with urethane foam not hollow. The original pictures with a slightly open faced front toe and a huge rocker is what he uses, the blade is about 1” longer then anything on the retail a market, weight of the blade is about 225 gm

If you found something that does not resemble this description, then it’s not his. As for clones, V. Lieno is a clone of his curve, lie and rocker, but it's a one piece stick unlike kovy’s blade and shaft combo. The biggest giveaway of the his curve is the shape of the blade and the huge rocker


The curve has changed. Alex said that himself, that he has altered the curve at times but the shape has always been the same. More or less toecurve is what have changed.

Take a look at pictures from games. Pretty obvius if you search a litte...

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The curve has changed. Alex said that himself, that he has altered the curve at times but the shape has always been the same. More or less toecurve is what have changed.

Take a look at pictures from games. Pretty obvius if you search a litte...

Agreed. I've read several articles and quotes from Alexei that mention his blade shape always staying consistent, but that he was very, very particular about his curves and generally had several that he would switch back and forth between at any given moment. I don't remember if it was someone from Warrior or who it was, saying that his blades often had a little more or less loft and the depth of the curve changed.

Regarding the Perron sticks, it does appear that those in the picture are slightly different from one another (the far right and second from the left appear to be the same). This would make sense as a local shop often would get ahold of his Bauer One95s. The majority of them all had the curve on the far right, which was a straighter blade with a toe kink and moderate amount of loft in the mid/toe region.

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To me it looks pretty much the same as the Hossa pro.

No my friend has a hossa pro and I had the kovalev it may look similar in the picture but the kovalev is different, more rockered longer and more straight with a toe kink

i just got some new perron rbk sticks which should be identical to kovalev but right-handed - here are some pics




Damn, I thought he used a 100 flex, not 85. So jealous! Are all of the curves identical? Some look like more mid than heel. The less heel and more mid/toe, the better for me.

I was looking at these sticks before, really wish you could get these in left. Also you can tell that some of the curves are different by the barcodes on the shaft under perron the2nd one and 4th one are the same. The other 2 are slightly different.

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here's some more pics with some of my lefty kovalev blades compared to my perron blades - they are identical except perron's has a little bit more curve on the toe.









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Yeah, that one skyscrape posted... that's the one. Gorgeous curve. I know I'm gonna get slammed for this, but I was never a big toe curve fan, anyway. Those guys at the pro shop who got them on One95s have no idea how lucky they are. I think my head might seriously explode if I saw that curve on a Bauer stick.

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