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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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April fools

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Wow! Did not really expect that to happen but am happy with Lemieux' decision. He's consequent with the opinion he's been voicing as of late. Now lets wait and see who will pick Cooke up.

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Spoke too soon. As soon as I posted this, I find out that "The Pittsburgh Herald" doesn't even exist.

Happy early April Fools.

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Spoke too soon. As soon as I posted this, I find out that "The Pittsburgh Herald" doesn't even exist.

Happy early April Fools.

ahah, went back on the page and tried to read the other articles... broken links of course.. Doh!

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The Pens letting him go is one thing...no one else signing him will be another all together.

It'll never happen. The signing team will rationalize that he's ready to put everything behind him and blah blah blah...

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