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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which cage would look best?

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I currently wear a white/black (Same color as helmets worn by US at WJC's) nikebauer 9500 helmet with a concept II shield. It has come to my attention that many people find the shields to look bad on helmets as opposed to a cage (I have noticed that they can look funky at times so it is not lost on me). So my questions are as follows

Is it a big enough deal that I should wear a cage not shield?(I know looks aren't everything in hockey but that is basically the difference maker here is what looks better)

If I get a cage, should I get a CCMfm480 or the standard bauer cage? (true vision I believe)

The CCM fits easily on the 9500 right?

Should I get a black or chrome cage? I think white would look pretty dusty on a white helmet.

Is it hard to adjust from a shield to a cage, as far as vision goes?

Also an additional question, I blacked out all of the nikebauer logos with black electric tape, would white electric tape look better?

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If a mirror can't answer your looks question, then it's a question best not asked.

Other than that, retrofit your helmet with the cages at your LHS and judge them viewing from the inside out, not the outside in.

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I'm guessing you're younger, and knowing how important being fashionable is to teens, I'm going to fight all urges to be the grumpy old guy (well, I'm only 30) who chirps at you for putting looks above fit and functionality. I personally have always liked the look of the fm480 over other cages... and I'd vote for black to go with a white helmet.

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leave the fishbowl on and forget about what people say. If you truly care about looks then be original and keep what you have because what's the point of looking like everyone else right? I wear my fishbowl regardless of what people say simply because I see better with it.

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I'm with the other posters that say who cares about looks, but I will say one other thing. If looks are your priority, I would take the tape off your helmet right away. I've never seen it in person, so maybe I'm missing something, but a white helmet with black tape all over it can't look good. If you insist on hiding the logos, there must be some way to white it out. Tape should be your last resort. What about spraypaint? I don't know, somebody else probably has a better suggestion.

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everyone on phew will say 480 for looks.

I find it has decent visibility and if you wants what's popular with all the kids these days, the 480 is a good choice. I only ended up with one myself by looking for old jofa stuff on ebay and found a nice NIB black jofa 480

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