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Referees: Difference in Gear

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This one is for the referee's out there. I'm interested in some gear that I don't see, ever.

First is the PG Pants (with pads). Besides the visible seems on the outside of the pant, how is it any different from the Stevens pant? Is it more like the Stevens than the CCM or vice versa?

I ask this because I hate the "plasticy" feeling the CCM ref pants have, but I love the material the Stevens pants are made out of. Anyone provide some insight?


Has anyone ever wore a Force referee jersey? Everyone wears the CCM pro model and I don't really like how it fits.

I don't like how the CCM jersey hangs low, I like the look of having the jersey sit high, as seen here:


Anyone ever use this jersey?

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Stevens pants are the way to go. Hands down. Pretty sure the Stevens also have more padding, and is more customizable than the PG's.

The CCM pro models are cut to be looser than normal. Just order a tighter size. I am of the opinion that when you're wearing the bands, you should be more comfortable on the ice as far as your gear goes. I personally wear a 48 referee jersey for this reason. As a linesman, depending on the level of the game (Jr, Bantam, Peewee) I will wear anything from a 44 to a 48. Obviously, the tighter the jersey, the tougher it is for the players to grab you and latch on during a fight.

Never worn the Force jersey. Haven't seen anyone out here with one either. It's all CCM or Bauer.

In that picture, he's wearing a tighter jersey which makes it look like the jersey sits high. At least that's what it looks like to me.

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I am/was under the impression that the CCM jersey's don't change much in length from one size to the next?

I want the Stevens built-in padding, but I do not like that the stitching attaching the padding to the pant is visible from the outside. Which is why I'm considering the PG Combo.

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PG pants have had pretty good reviews from the guys I know that have them. The CCM pants with the built in pads feel like a garbage bag, they're terrible. As for the jersey, if you want to have a higher waist, just take your jersey to a tailor and have it altered. Looks like he has also had the arms tailored as well.

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You'll only be able to tell that you're wearing Stevens if people are actually looking for it. From a distance, the stitching is near impossible to spot.

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You'll only be able to tell that you're wearing Stevens if people are actually looking for it. From a distance, the stitching is near impossible to spot.

Maybe I'll make the investment and get the built-in's this season.

I've been wearing Stevens with the Force Krome girdle underneat -- I like this setup incase my pants get torn it's only a $50 hit and not a $160 hit. Large tears look bad stitched up.

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I've been using SP pants with a beat to hell old WSI inline girdle, but I usually only take beer league games.

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I've been using SP pants with a beat to hell old WSI inline girdle, but I usually only take beer league games.

I'm wearing a Stevens shell with a Reebok inline girdle that I've tweaked a bit. Just the right balance of protection and comfort for me.

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I've been wearing my PG pants for over 1500 games now. Still look acceptable. They are the old style with the padding permanently stitched in. Newer PG model has removable padding.

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The PG pants look ridiculous on all but the slimmest guys -- they're not cut very generously in the seat or the thigh, so you look like you're the Hulk. The cut of the PG pant is similar to the CCM, not much like the Stevens at all.

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