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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NYC Area Leagues?

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Going to be moving to NY, likely Brooklyn) within 6-12 months. Definitely wont be giving up Hockey but am unfamiliar with rinks in the area. Anyone playing in leagues in the area? Would prefer something close to Brooklyn since I likely wont have my car. Cant imagine taking a huge gear bag onto the Subway LOL

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most of them, like chelsea piers in manhattan have really large lockers you rent out.

also check out city ice pavilion in long island city.

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most of them, like chelsea piers in manhattan have really large lockers you rent out.

also check out city ice pavilion in long island city.

So you pretty much keep your gear there?

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Aviator doesnt have gear lockers so youll have to carry it there, and its located in a spot were only one bus goes by which makes it a long ride.

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Going to be moving to NY, likely Brooklyn) within 6-12 months. Definitely wont be giving up Hockey but am unfamiliar with rinks in the area. Anyone playing in leagues in the area? Would prefer something close to Brooklyn since I likely wont have my car. Cant imagine taking a huge gear bag onto the Subway LOL

Chelsea Piers may be the best choice for you if you don't have a car. Aviator is nice, but as mentioned before it's a trek if you don't have a car.

You'll get used to bringing your bag on the subway. Unless you're a goalie, I'd recommend buying an intermediate size bag (not the kid size but the one in between kid and adult). It'll be a tight fit (for your gear), but at least you can easily slip through the turnstiles instead of having to use the handicap/emergency exit gate. It Helps on the M23 bus when it's packed as well (going to Chelsea Piers).

Good luck

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Chelsea Piers or maybe even Ice House in Hackensack. I've had friends head there from Brooklyn before.

Ice house doesn't have gear lockers though

Aviator is really cool (my home ice I play travel) but if there are a lot of players on your team, good luck finding a spot in the locker room

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I know a few guys that play on a team at Chelsea, theres a self-storage place right across the street that the team chips in for and they keep their stuff there.

I live in NYC as well, as the above poster said, you eventually get used to lugging your stuff around. I have a backpack that I use which makes things a little bit easier.

City Ice Pavilion in Long Island City is pretty easy to get to, its a couple blocks away from a 7 train stop (33rd St.-Rawson St. Station IIRC).

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