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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Spray painting tape

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Anyone ever spray paint their tape? I have a new Brooklynite stick with copper as one of the colors. Would this run if I did it?

I know it's lame, but the tape I used is red. Doesn't match anything else on the stick. Honestly, my wife said it was easier to find me on the ice when the color of my blade tape was different.

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who cares if the tape doesnt coordinate with the stick! use whatever color tape you want, and tell her to look for your number... that's pretty much what they are there for.

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Unless you work for a paint co. or a department store, wouldnt the cost of paint be higher than that of a new tape of whatever colour you want to paint your tape to?

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