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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bake skate twice?

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Hey all, I bought a pair of ccm u+12 skates and I had them baked but they LHS guy said to stand up when I baked them, I read further on from CCM that youre supposed to sit down, Should I re-bake them or should they be fine?? Thanks

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You just need to stand for a minute or so after around a ten minutes sit period. And just do that to set the Footbed. If they feel fine no need to rebake. It won't hurt them to put them in the oven again.

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Same with Bauer X60's?

would like to know this too. getting a pair second hand that have been baked once and would like to know if second bake is ok and if there's anything special needed to be done on the 2nd time around

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you can bake the 60s more than once but if there big somewere they wont expand like the ccm's you might actually make them worse, i usually spot heat on used already baked skates.

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i have a problem here, and yes i am dumb too

so before i had x40's, never had the slightest of a fit problem with them. now i got a pair of x60's. i got them baked but i used the wrong insole for the right foot (it was a size smaller so it could move around in the boot a bit). i went to skate on them and the left skate felt absolutely perfect, but my right skate (with the proper insole now) was digging into the back area of my arch. is it ok to get the right skate baked again by itself?

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