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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone else start playing as an adult?

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Well, I started playing when I was five or six, but was never able to get into organized hockey until the last couple of years because equipment was cost prohibitive when I was young....I think that's the case with a lot of people, many families just can't afford to outfit their kids in new gear year after year (on top of league registration costs and camps etc...).

thats right....


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Last night I mangled my knee while gunning down the left side towards the net. I reached out to receive a pass so I could one time backhand the puck at the net (I got the puck on net) but I fell and twisted my left leg while I folded it up.

My leg looked like this:


with my heel meeting my hip.

I'm pretty freaked out right now as a few guys on the team said they had a feeling it could be an ACL tear. I'm in a shitload of pain and I can't really weightbear all that well on it.

My fiance and I are going to the medical centre to have my knee assessed this afternoon.

I'm just crossing my fingers and hoping that my hockey career isn't over before it even really gets rolling.

Sorry to hear about your knee mate. One of my former team mates had that happen to him this past summer. They said he would be able to play in January so it's not over, it's just a set back. Set some goals and if time allows rehab like crazy and you'll be back before you know it. The hardest part is getting over the mental hurdle of the injury once you get back on skates, but after a few games you'll probably forget it ever happened.

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this is my first year and i am 47yrs. old started to skate four years ago when my son started hockey and wanted to play around with him on the ice and decided to give it a go. one thing about playing in an over 45 league is everybody is out to just have fun. it took me a while to find a league that was compatable and most of all accept my limited abillities but i do plan on getting better it just takes practice practice practice. anyway the bottom line is i am having tons of fun and staying fit in the process and meeting new friends and dont forget about the pops after the game.

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one thing about playing in an over 45 league is everybody is out to just have fun.

I'm one of the youngest guys on my team at 30 and it's the best overall group of guys I've ever played with.

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i learned to skate at around 10 or so, when i'd spend the summer at my grandparents in alberta...then i pretty much stopped.

then i played a little bit of street hockey with friends just for fun, and a couple months of roller at a league here at about 13...

after that, nothing, until about 4 months ago. i'm 20 now, and i'm not very good but i'm pretty happy with how i'm doing considering the amount of time i've been playing. i've become addicted ;]

the rink i play at has 4 levels - initiation, novice, intermediate, and advanced. i started playing initiation league and did pretty well there...i've been playing in novice and intermediate too now...i feel like i fit in pretty well on novice and i'm not doing too well on intermediate but i don't feel like i stick out for being terrible either. i'd like to keep playing intermediate to improve faster but it conflicts with my work schedule...and i doubt i'll be playing advanced any time soon, hah...

i definitely get frustrated too sometimes...some nights i'll have a bad game and not want to play for the rest of the week. but then i'll get motivated again and improve more. i know a few of the guys that work at the rink and they're always giving me pointers, and i'm playing as much as possible...usually 3-5 nights a week...

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I started roller blading when I was 21, inline hockey when I was 22 and Ice hockey when I was 29, That 2 years ago now. Play in a rec ice league and moving into a competitive league. Love it plan to play until the old knees and hips complain too much.


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I started both ice and inline when I was about 20 or 21. Hadn't done any skating before, but my kid brother dragged me into it. We've got a lot of players that didn't start until they were adult here in New Zealand. The sport isn't that old here, so there aren't so many kids that have come through yet. Most of the players in the social leagues I play in didn't start until adulthood. There are more and more younger inline players coming through into seniors, but inline is a much bigger sport in NZ due to the lack of ice rinks.

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I am 30 years old and started playing earlier this year in a beginner's league.

I had never skated before and picked up the basics, however, I am still terrible.

Hopefully my skills will improve quickly.

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