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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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innovative 1100 dual fit

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hey i was wonderen if any of you guys have tried the innovative 1100 dual fit, that holds standard and tapered blades.....and if u would recommend it or not, also i was told that the dual fit shaft on the tapered side can only use tapered blades made by innovative, is that true ??


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I saw that too, and it sounds like to me any other tapered shaft. Although don't tapered shafts have a lower kickpoint than standard, hence, the kickpoint would be off on one end?

Interesting marketing though.

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that the dual fit shaft on the tapered side can only use tapered blades made by innovative, is that true ??


I think Easton shaft are also suppose to only fit easton blade but they wrote that to sell more of their products.

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also, if you used the tapered end, wouldnt you be cutting off the other end where the standard blade sleeve is?

You would be changing the kickpoint of the standard end at the very least.

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I think this whole "dual-fit" thing is just for marketing purposes only. I mean it's common sense that if you break a 1-pc you can either stick a standard blade in the other end or cut off the blade and put a tapered one in there...

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The difference between this and a normal taper shaft is that they also engineered a kick point at the top. Or at least that's what they were supposed to have done.

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Ok, but isnt that how the 1100 has always been? I mean the shaft has been out for quite a few years now. If they actually went back and redesigned the shaft to have another kick point then thats cool. But I was under the impression that they just took the regular old 1100 and just slapped a sticker on it that says "dual fit!"

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I see what your saying Feds and it was initially what I thought as well. The tapered 1100 is obviously tapered and has the kick point. The standard 1100 also has a kickpoint in it. If you were to flip over a Synergy and do this it wouldn't have the same kick as a 1100 standard shaft (not for our purposes at least).

I may be a little off, but this is basically how it was described to me.

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here's the way i understood the dual fit (check my awesome art skills):


if you just flipped over a standard tapered shaft, the taper/kick point would be the wrong way. the tapered action of the shaft would be totally useless. the dual fit has two kick points (the picture is exaggerated and lame, but you get the point). at some point (i'm assuming half way) the taper just goes straight, just like a normal standard shaft. think of it and half a tapered shaft and half a standard shaft fused together in the middle. correct me if i'm wrong, that just the way i read it as.

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LOL...no no, just writing on the other side. i don't have my computer set up in the bathroom.....although it would save time. ha!

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