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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shin pad question

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Sorry if this should be somewhere else, but i just bought a pair of Bauer Supreme one80 shinpads. Is it normal for the plastic shell to be away from the liner and inside padding a bit?

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That's a pretty vague question. Do you have pics? If I were to go on a limb, I'd say yeah it's normal;nothing to worry about but pics would give us a better idea.

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I know these are bad pics, but hopefully the one with my finger between the inner padding and the shell will help you get the idea. IMG_0008.jpg


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Okay thanks! Btw if anyone is wondering, very protective pad and the thermomax liner is GREAT! very soft and comfortable, and also very moisture wicking and breathable.

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Also anyone know i a good way of getting tags off the pads? Without fraying!

Just use a pair of scissors and cut close to the pad. It will leave a very small piece of tag behind, but you won't notice it.

Are the pads for your shins attached with velcro? Many shins will have the pad attached with velcro to allow adjusting for personalized fit.

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The gap lets the outside shell flex and divert the energy from an object hitting it. The energy is dispersed to the side of the shin pad and around your leg rather than directly to the front of your leg basically cteating an air cushion between the outer shell and softer inside liner. Any residual energy is absorbed by the foam padding at the side of your leg. Ingenious concept by the equipment manufacturers proven over many years of research.

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