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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2-Piece Pant Question

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If they are the same size you can usually make them work. I have a pair of Kris Draper Warrior lowers that I made work with CCM uppers. I just needed to add a couple more button holes as two of them did not line up exactly.

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Agreed, they might not work exactly but you'll be able to make enough of the holes work. I guess if you really wanted to you could make a few more holes to make them marry up exactly. I've currently got L Reebok uppers with XL Bauer lowers and they work fine.

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My Rafalski Bauer padded lower shell does NOT fit right on a Reebok upper. It will fit the two rearmost buttons and the front ones. But it won't line up with the others. I also tried to see if my Draper Warrior lower padded shell would fit the Reebok upper. It didn't. It appears that Tackla is maybe the only company wise enough to put plenty of buttons on their uppers. I know that Draper used Tackla uppers with his Warrior lowers.

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My Rafalski Bauer padded lower shell does NOT fit right on a Reebok upper. It will fit the two rearmost buttons and the front ones. But it won't line up with the others. I also tried to see if my Draper Warrior lower padded shell would fit the Reebok upper. It didn't. It appears that Tackla is maybe the only company wise enough to put plenty of buttons on their uppers. I know that Draper used Tackla uppers with his Warrior lowers.

It's a simple matter of cutting a hole or two (or as many as necessary) to make them work.

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My Rafalski Bauer padded lower shell does NOT fit right on a Reebok upper. It will fit the two rearmost buttons and the front ones. But it won't line up with the others.

That's the same as mine, I'd consider that fitting; 4 buttons is enough.

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