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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 6k vs Bauer X15 skate

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Any feedback on which is a better beginner skate for the money?

Go to your LHS and try them on. Whatever fits your foot the best will work out for you. X:15 doesn't come with indoor wheels so I would jump up to the X:20's if at all possible.

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Go to your LHS and try them on. Whatever fits your foot the best will work out for you. X:15 doesn't come with indoor wheels so I would jump up to the X:20's if at all possible.

Id say that not everyone on this forum has access to a LHS. Thats why people ask questions like these..

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Id say that not everyone on this forum has access to a LHS. Thats why people ask questions like these..

You're making a big assumption here, its possible that people ask questions like these because they are new to the game and are uninformed about the pros and cons of getting fitted properly.

Sure not everyone has access to a LHS but it doesn't change the fact that the best skate for the money is always the one that fits your feet.

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The Bauer RX:15, as mentioned before comes with outdoor wheels, so the RX:20 would be a better choice in the Bauer line.

To determine which is a better fit without actually trying a pair on if you don't have a store nearby, then you should compare ice skates that you have owned before (if you have had any skates previously). So if you are skating on Bauer's for ice and like them, then stick with Bauer, the same goes for the RBK.

The Bauer only comes in an R width, so it is in-between a D width and a EE width. I have found that the RX line also fit a bit bigger then their ice skate cousins. So you will need to get about 1.5 - 2 sizes smaller then your dress shoe.

Good luck.

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