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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shin Guard Problem

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Hey guys, I've been using one55 shins for about a year. Around three months ago I noticed that the liner(not the removable one, but the one that is stitched onto the shell) of the left shin was seperating from the shell. It is most obvious at the bottom of the leg. The inside edge of the shell is also starting to tear up the toungue of my skates. Recently the same thing is happening to the right leg. I also have a friend with Supreme shins, im not sure which model, that have the same problemI was planning on upgrading to a higher end, possibly the one80 or TO. I was mainly wondering, is this sperating liner common on Supreme pads? I dont really want to spend $100 on shins to have them start to separate after a year. So, for those of you who have Supremes shin guards, are they seperating like mine are? And also, which shin guard is low profile but with a similar fit to the Supremes? Here is a pic. Thanks for the help guys.


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Try Warrior shin pads. Low profile and protective. I was originally going to say Easton but I've had them separate at the top of the shin just below the knee where their riveted together. I'm currently in Reebok 10K's but their not a low profile pad but extrememly protective.

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Until you decide on a pair, liquid nails for small projects might work to glue the pad to the shell.

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