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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new Easton aluminum shaft

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I was in my LHS (McArthur's Source for Sports) the other day getting my skates sharpened and I saw a new Easton shaft, I can't remember exactly what it's called but I think it's either a Cyclone Aluminum or Typhoon Aluminum. It is black with white graphics. Anybody else seen this? I forgot to check the price.

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Although they are old, they hold up pretty well. I personally owned two shafts, and each of them lasted for about 3 years each... the smaller radius of the shaft feels more comfortable than the traditional alum shafts...

btw, i weigh about 210lbs, and prefer to have whippy sticks... i was able to get a pretty decent slapper.... fast release on the snappers too...

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