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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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total one skate fit(molding and punching out)

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soo i finali got my total one skates.

i´ve got that famous bauer bone on my heel and need it punched out..so do i need to punch them out before molding or after.

and i´ve seen the info on this forum about molding them but do i mold them for 2:30 min at 200 deg Celcius or F

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Don't have them punched out until you have them molded first. Molding alone may take care of the fit issue. If not, then you can have it punched. Sorry, I don't have the baking specs...I'm sure someone else can answer that part of your questions. Good luck with the new skates!


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1) preheat the owen to 200 degrees

2) throw one skate in (no superfeet, no tongue inserts)

3) 1.5 min later throw another skate in (no superfeet, no tongue inserts)

4) 1 min later get the first skate out, put superfeet, put tongue insert, lace up

5) another 1 min later do the same with the second skate

6) stand for 1 min

7) sit for 10-15 mins or until skates cool down

soo am i getting this right. the first skate is baked for 2.5 min and the second for 2 min??

does anyone know this???'?

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