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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Half Visor helmet combo

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hey guys i know u will all help wat u think i should get the 4000 with the oakleigh straight cut or the same set up as they use in the Q the 852 with the itech??? help me out

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The 4000 and 852 are different helmets so that's a choice you make on your own. I have an 1Xcel straight cut visor but it keeps moving up on me upon contact. If you're playing contact hockey, go with the Itech. I like how clear the 1Xcel/Oakley visors are.

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How about whatever helmet will best fit your head and provide the best protection for the type of game that you play. And for a visor the one that will not impair your vision and at the same time protect your eyes. Safety and protection is key in this case rather than what so-and-so are wearing.

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personally, I like the HX-50 that they use in the Q. Good for vision, no distortion, doesn't fog up easily and the replacements are cheap. 2 for $45? Not bad in comparison to $100 for a new oakley visor. The only downside I have is that the housing weighs a bit heavier on it but you get used to it after like 1 game. Not bad.

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