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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Online Computer Games

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Tell me what games you play, and if you play counter-strike are you in CAL?

I play:

Counter-strike(of course)cal-o, cal-m reform team.

Counter-strike: Source

Unreal Tourney 2k4


Warcraft 3

World of Warcraft Beta

My name is bdj for all of them exept cs, it's [-X-]||bdj

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Cal-o for CS... Waiting for HL2, hopefully that will be fun. Source isnt too bad, but isnt it only beta out right now?

Yeah. HL2 comes out tuesday or something? I'm probably just going to ask for it for Christmas, I have a hard time justifying 70 bucks for a game that I might play for 2 months.

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Cal-o for CS... Waiting for HL2, hopefully that will be fun. Source isnt too bad, but isnt it only beta out right now?

No they released source already the beta ended like 2 weeks ago I think.

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I kinda played cs for a while, but it got boring. My friend is addicted to it though, and I can't stand it. Cs is all he does.

lol, it only got boring for you because you completely sucked at it :P

i play counter strike, day of defeat and warcraft 3 sometimes, maybe like once or twice a week

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Cal-o  for CS... Waiting for HL2, hopefully that will be fun.  Source isnt too bad, but isnt it only beta out right now?

Yeah. HL2 comes out tuesday or something? I'm probably just going to ask for it for Christmas, I have a hard time justifying 70 bucks for a game that I might play for 2 months.

You can buy it for cheaper, it just come with HL2 and source I think. Team is 524, and I play on another team that Im not registered for on Cal's website but most teams dont check if Steam ID's match up anyways.

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Cal-o  for CS... Waiting for HL2, hopefully that will be fun.  Source isnt too bad, but isnt it only beta out right now?

Yeah. HL2 comes out tuesday or something? I'm probably just going to ask for it for Christmas, I have a hard time justifying 70 bucks for a game that I might play for 2 months.

You can buy it for cheaper, it just come with HL2 and source I think. Team is 524, and I play on another team that Im not registered for on Cal's website but most teams dont check if Steam ID's match up anyways.

50 bucks US is already 60 bucks Canadian, then add shipping and you're right at 70. In stores its going to be around 70 bucks too.

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You are aware that you have to pay $0 dollars shipping if you buy if from steam, its just 50 dollars US. They pre-load it onto your computer, then when its released you are able to play it. I guess it would still be close to 70 Canadien. Stores it shouldnt be anymore than it is online?

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I've played Warcraft 3, Diablo 2, Command and COnquer Generals, Wolfenstein, Medal of Honor, Battlefield + expansions, Battlefield Vietnam, Madden 2004, Madden 2005, and Call of Duty all online.

For Call of Duty I played as close as you can get to playing pro without actually doing it. We played in UGS, TWL, and CAL. Just before I quit because of the amount of time I was playing (about 4 hours a night not including weekends) the squad was going to switch over to a professional league with large payouts to teams.

I will be getting HL2 and will be playing on and offline... it will be great. I might pick up World of Warcraft but I don't like the idea of paying $10 a month.

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Halflife 2 tomorrow, aparently halo2 is only holding it's first day sales record for a week or so, becuase hl2 is supposed to bury it.

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