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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Have you ever played pick up with NHL greats?

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One of my all time greatest hockey stories happened when I was 17. Like most NHL towns, in St. Louis many of the players remain here over the summer and play pretty regularly. And back in the late 80's, the st. louis hockey community was pretty small.

My best friend and high school teammate at the time had an uncle who had been part of the hockey scene for 20 years. They had a weekly pick up game and we were invited to play. My friends uncle told us that there may be some blues players at the pick up game and just treat them like any other player.

I given a pullover and told go to the home bench, my friend the visitors bench. Most of the guys were older and when I came over they pointed to the end of the bench and said more people will be out in a few minutes. When they come out that will bee your line. So i sat. 2 mins later 2 guys sat on either side of me. On my right, Brett Hull, on my left Gino Cavelinni. that was my line for the night. This is in Hull's 86 goal a year summer. Both were pretty nice guys and did what they could to help me out.

My friend on the other team played on a line with Bernie Federko.

We were invited to play in the pick up game a few more times that summer, but that first game always sticks out.

Anyone else have any brushes with NHL greats?

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During the 1994-95 lockout. I played pick-up with Chris Chelios and Ed Belfour. Eddie was playing D, Chelly was skating as a forward. You could tell they were just out there messing around and having a good time.

I've also played in pick up games with Bob Probert, Aaron Downey, and Eric Daze.

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Got to play with and against Sergei Starikov a few times. You might have a better chance at skating through a brick wall then you would have skating around him...

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