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Can you use lacrosse shoulder pads for ice hockey?

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I have Reebok 7k LACROSSE shoulder pads that my brother used to wear when he played lacrosse, and I am just starting ice hockey. I was wondering if I would be able to use the lacrosse shoulder pads when I play, instead of ice hockey shoulder pads. It looks like they are not as protective as most ice hockey shoulder pads, so I was concerned.



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I wouldn't wear those for ice... Definately worth have the right gear, but you can def find some shoulders that are affordable and protective

There's not to much of a difference between lacrosse and hockey shoulder pads, he should be fine. My son uses his lacrosse shoulders for hockey but he's still young so there's not to much worry.

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It depends on what style of lacrosse pads. I mean there are some serious minimalist pads out there and there are also some that are probably more protective than certain hockey shoulder pads. I think the reebok lacrosse shoulders are pretty bulky and protective as far as lacrosse pads go, having worn 5k's in the past, and you should be fine if you aren't playing serious competitive hockey. If it's a beginner league or you're just playing pickup or house league they would be fine. I'd say give it a try and if you feel like you need more protection get a pair of hockey pads. A few kids on my high school team used to wear lacrosse pads instead of hockey shoulders and they were fine-although most of us only did that during practice, but one kid wore his every game too (fairly competitive prep school league)-

Your safest bet is to buy a pair of hockey pads, but if you're just starting out and don't want to invest a lot of money until you're sure you want to get serious, I doubt wearing those 7k's the first few times will be much of an issue.

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Yeah i do agree with you guys, it also does depend on what type of hockey you are playing, but it can't hurt to give your 7k's a go and see how you feel, but in the case of maybe purchasing some ice shoulders, you can always find good pairs at most LHS, I for one don't like a bulky set of shoulder pads so it is definitely a personal preference.... Good luck

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Yes, the type of hockey is a decision factor, as is a player's skill level. I play pickup with some guys who don't even wear shoulder pads, because it's no-check, and they don't seem to have any problems with it. On the other hand, they can provide some protection in a fall.

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I actually wear the 7k lacrosse shoulder pads when I am playing.

They are fairly protective and do provide decent protection when falling or bumping the boards...great mobility too.

I think they are just as protective as my hockey shoulder pads which are old bauer's.

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I've used lacrosse gloves for the longest time while playing hockey. More mobility in my opinion.

That's the risk you take, because isn't your front cuff segmented?

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Agreed with the two posters prior, depends what you're league looks like.

I usually don't wear shoulders, and when I do I wear a pair modified with the shoulder caps removed.

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One thing I have never been able to figure out is why these companies never seem to look at what's comfortable and easy for us to use. I would much rather have a lacrosse setup, in the sense of the shoulders and elbow pads. I would rather have shoulder pads that go to the end of the deltoid anterior, and elbow pads that go from that point to the bottom of your wrist, where it would be really close to your gloves. The comfort level logically seems much better, and the slash protectiveness seems far better than current options. Think of the difference in maneuverability.

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I've used lacrosse gloves for the longest time while playing hockey. More mobility in my opinion.

I honestly don't even know since it been about almost 2 weeks since i've last played. All I know is, the fingers and thumbs move so freely and it's a better "feel" than of a hockey glove. I had a warrior dolomite glove for 6 months and played once if 2x a week and the leather is already worn out and I can see my thumb. Didnt mean to get off topic here about gloves, but I've used Lax equipment for ice with no probs...in a non checking league.

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I played college lax and junior hockey so I am fairly familiar with the padding for both sports. I would say that the reebok lax shoulders should provide sufficient padding for anyone who is playing at less than a AAA/High School level. Either way you should be Ok with them until you decide if/when to upgrade.

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