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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone ever done the random two pack stick deal on hockey monkey?

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title says it all..just wanna know what ya got and/or if you think its worth it..i was thinking about doing it and if i didn't like what i got just re-selling them so let me know! Thanks!


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They're all obviously leftovers from sticks that simply aren't selling well anymore. I'm betting on the 2-packs being a lot of Inno Maniacs, RBKs, and the really old Dolomites. Additionally, they even state that you could receive sticks not pictured there, which to me simply means that it's a free-for-all for them to send you whatever they can't get rid of. If you're the type that can use almost any curve and flex, it may be worth a shot at that price, but otherwise I wouldn't do it.

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From the reviews it looks like old stock of middle to somewhat high end sticks. I remember reading a few older threads and they said the same thing. Scotty is right, if you don't really care why not, a good way to try something new

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thanks for the replies guys! i was really just wanting to gamble to see if i could get a Bauer one95..but with my luck id get yet another dolomite 10' which i bought at one point and i hate it..but thanks again not sure if im gonna do it now. I enjoy using different curves but not so much different flexes i like my comfortable 85 flex range:)

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thanks for the replies guys! i was really just wanting to gamble to see if i could get a Bauer one95..but with my luck id get yet another dolomite 10' which i bought at one point and i hate it..but thanks again not sure if im gonna do it now. I enjoy using different curves but not so much different flexes i like my comfortable 85 flex range:)

Think about it from their point of view, it's a great way to clear extra inventory that they can't otherwise move. one95s move very well, so I'd say you're VERY unlikely to get a one95 unless it's in some crazy flex/curve that nobody wants.

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Think about it from their point of view, it's a great way to clear extra inventory that they can't otherwise move. one95s move very well, so I'd say you're VERY unlikely to get a one95 unless it's in some crazy flex/curve that nobody wants.

And moreso, if you go to their one95 page, they only have one curve/flex left (lefty Staal 77).

On the otherhand, if you just wanted to use this try different curves on a decent stick, you might try their Inno 'mystery' curve. At least you'd know what flex you are getting, and it's even cheaper.

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