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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Intermediate Equipement Sizing

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I know this may have been covered but I cant seem to find any answers. I am 5'6 and can fit in a size 13-14 gloves. I am wondering if intermediate size goalie equipment will fit me. My LHS does not carry goalie equipment so I cannot try it on. Also since intermediate gear is a tad cheaper I was wondering if I could save a couple bucks. I am just playing in a small pick up league where guys dont have crazy hard shots.

I know I can fit in a 31 leg pad, but will the glove and blocker fit fine?

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I'm 5'7", and wear a set of Reebok 9K intermediates. Pads and glove fit me fine, but the blocker is definitely a bit on the tight side, especially the opening.

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I'm 5'7", and wear a set of Reebok 9K intermediates. Pads and glove fit me fine, but the blocker is definitely a bit on the tight side, especially the opening.

Did it get better with break in? I think im going to take the plunge and order some this week. Saves hundreds of dollars being a little guy haha.

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Sounds like you and I are about the same size. I wear a size 29+1 Bauer Supreme which is an inch too small but it works for me.

I kinda prefer my blocker loose so I went with a senior sized Bauer One60. I wear a 13 Supreme glove as a forward and the One60 is probably like a 14. I never tried on the intermediate one, but I'm sure it'd be snug. The downside to the intermediate sizing is that it covers less area.

The glove is a bit trickier to size since everyone's glove is different. I had to go with the int One80 glove for Bauers...but in Warrior and Reebok I can wear a senior just fine. You're probably better off going intermediate to get a better fit. It does break in, but again you have less blocking area.

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I feel like you'd be able to get away with the trapper, but the blocker will definitely be a bit small. I wear 13' player gloves but I've always been in senior sized blockers.

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Did it get better with break in? I think im going to take the plunge and order some this week. Saves hundreds of dollars being a little guy haha.

I bought a used set, they are definitely tight. I were 13in gloves.

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