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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rick Rypien passes away

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I think the sun is setting on the day of the goon. Less and less teams are employing a guy who can only fight and as such we are starting to see less of the 'I put out my goon, you put out your's and they dust it up at the drop of the puck' fights. I, for one, will be thrilled when I know I've seen the last of the scripted fights.

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I was totally anti-fighting. I read The Code and sort of understood how it is used by the players to police themselves. Still seems odd to me how people can act that way (beating the crap out of another guy who you have no grudge but whose team you do). If you think of it like boxing-two guys trying to beat each other unconscious not out of rage but as a sport-it is easier to take. Still, I would not miss it. I don't enjoy watching fights, but I sort of get why it happens.

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