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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Internet Problems

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So ever since about Monday or so, I've been having problems with the Internet on my Macbook. Right now I'm lucky I can get on it and post this, because it seems to be working in my basement. However anywhere else in my house, it'll say I'm connected to the Internet, and have full signal, yet it doesn't work. It's only my MacBook too, as three other laptops, and my iPhone all are picking up the Wi-Fi and surfing the Internet on it. It works perfectly fine at work as well. Anyone have any suggestions as to why this is?

I'll open up the Internet and it brings back an Unable to Open page with "Unable to resolve the DNS server." Could this have something to do with running an older OS? I never updated past Leopard on this, and I'm waiting for Snow Leopard to come in the mail, but this is really starting to get annoying.

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Sounds like it isn't renewing the DHCP lease correctly. It's a fairly easy process with windows, I would imagine there is a similar set of commands to release and renew the IP info on a mac.

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Sounds like it isn't renewing the DHCP lease correctly. It's a fairly easy process with windows, I would imagine there is a similar set of commands to release and renew the IP info on a mac.

That's what I was thinking it was, and when I went in to the settings to renew the DHCP lease, it would start to work for a couple of minutes, and then go down again. Still seems to work fine in my basement, however. Hmmm.

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