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Shin Guard Help

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I live in an area where there are only 2 hockey stores and neither carry any good selection of any actual equipment, mostly helmets, skates, sticks, and gloves. I have gone to both stores and have had no luck in my search.

I'm not asking which one I should get, more so, if any of you have these, could you tell me what you like about them and answer some of my question?

I currently have the Nike Bauer Vapor XXXX shin guards size 14" and Reebok 4k size 14" and both are just too small.

The problem with the XXXX's is that I don't like the thinness of them and they just don't come down far enough as I'd like.

The 4k's are a little on the bulky side, but aren't as long as the XXXX's so they no where near where I want them to be at my skates.

Some shin guards I'm looking at are:

Bauer Pro Series

CCM U+ Fit 09

Reebok 7k

Any one have these and any comments on them?

I'm looking for a good sized shin guards (not width of my leg, but no massive on me that my legs look like trees), and come far enough I can tuck my laces under them.

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The Bauer's and CCM's should be what you are looking for, as both are mid-sized pads. The 7k RBK's have the same exact shell as your 4k's, so there won't be any difference in the look.

Definately go for 15" or 16" on the size though. If you are over 5'11" I'd say go for the 16"ers if you want to tuck your skate tongues under the pad.

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It's about personal preference too; I'm 5'10 and I wear 14" 11k's over tongues. Tried 15's but I felt they restricted ankle movement too much.

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14" don't even touch my top lace hole and you can see a few cm's between my lace knot and bottom of shin guards. I was definitely going for 15"

The Bauer Pro's seem like they would fit exactly like Reeboks (just my conclusion from looking at them), can anyone help me out there?

I found a picture of me playing and here is what they look like. Ideally I'd like them to come past my knot and cover them. These are the 14" XXXX's


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Since this thread was started, I'd like to piggyback in it...

Can anyone recommend a really wide shin? The widest possible retail shin. Reebok 5k? 7k? I have been using Mission 110 shins that I've heated and flared as wide as possible, but I am soon in need of a new pair.

Not talking Craig Ludwig, phonebook shins, but I am looking for exactly what Pavol Demitra used. (God rest his soul).

As a factual aside to this post, I originally joined MSH a few years back for one simple reason of finding out what shins Demitra used. 4 years later, I still have no idea. Of any of the pro reps that post here, does anyone know exactly what he used?

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tamtamg has the best mid-wide solution around. Buy your shinguards a size up, and cut off the last inch or so, to wherever it will be comfortable/needed.

15" or 16" shin becomes 14" long but maintains the width of a larger size.

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