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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Taping Sticks

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I generally use black tape on the blade, and tape heel to toe (equals no snow?). Most times I stop an inch short of the toe, but then sometimes I will use white tape and cover the toe, as a few pics posted here show. As for the handle it is always white tape (softer than black?, therefore easier on the palms), similar to the sticks on the top rack in Jarick's pic. I take the tape and roll it out and spin it though, to create a tightly spun "cord" almost I guess and wrap that around the handle about the width of the palm of my glove and to that from the end of the handle down the appropriate length and then tape back up over it. Then I wrap the knob part. I think I might grab a roll or 2 of the spongey type tape that I've seen used to try it out.

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The bottom is fine, it's the top that spins around. I use hairspray to avoid mold growing underneath them...it worked really well at first. Maybe I just need a new can.

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i usually use 3 tape jobs for my stick knob...weird i know

shinny i use a tack mac grip (ribbed pattern) and tape the bottom part of it again with white tape.

ball hockey i use white tape rolled into a twine and wrap it around the knob of my stick, then i wrap white tape over it.

ice hockey i use pink grip tape and wrap the bottom of it with white tape to hold it firm in place. probably not necessary but i do it anyways.

now the blade lol :blink:

ball hockey i use a command grip on the blade (front and back).

ice hockey i use black tape and tape heel to toe leaving about a 1/2 of a cm overlay over each wrap(i like using as much tape as possible on the blade), tape over the toe, and then finish cutting it with scissors over the toe. go over the front and back with a puck then wax it up. :D

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I like using white tape on both the blade and handle; usually Renfrew that I pick up at my LHS or HockeyMonkey. I always start with a strip of tape that runs on the bottom edge of the blade (from heel to the end of the toe). I then wrap the blade from heel to toe and then use a puck to make sure the tape adheres to the blade. On the handle, I create a textured grip and put a small build up of tape at the top.

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Thought i would add a reply with pics much easier.

I tape heel to toe then heavily wax the tape. I had to use one of my girlfriends scented candles for my game tonight, don't think shes chuffed !! For the top i just go from top to bottom although considering changing this. Also considering trying renfrew grip tape.




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I'm trying out the little nub at the end, just rip the tape in half and go around. I have no idea how many times I go around, but I make it wide enough so my hand doesn't slide off. I got in the habit of choking up on the stick when I had a Tacki Mac, rather than having the knob in the middle of my palm. It doesn't really make a difference for my playing, but it doesn't rip up my palms as much.

I also am using that blue gauze tennis grip, it's much less friction than Powerflex but my hand never moves around. That's probably why it's so popular in the NHL.

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Ive been using those Tacki Mac grips as of this summer. I started off with standard wrapped which i trimmed due to the length they came in and recently purchased a sand short to try which i like alot better. These have solved my problem of my top hand slipping from my hands being too sweaty. For my blade i tape with black cloth tape (almost always Renfrew) from toe to about 2.5" from the heel and trim the rough edges with a scissor around the toe.

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