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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Dolomite Spyne HD replacement blade for one piece

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I have a few Dolomite Spyne HD Grip with broken blades.


I have successfully cut other one piece sticks at the seem (usually visible through the paint/filler) and slowly broken/dug out the plug, leaving a usable shaft.

1) Has anyone done this with success on the Dolomite Spyne?

2) If so, does the one-piece stick require the tapered or standard replacement blade?


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I actually found one of these with a broken blade behind the bench last year and converted it into a 2pc. stick. Not really knowing at the time I probably could have used a tapered blade, but I flipped it and stuck a standard blade into the other end. It is now my favorite stick.

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