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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Graf 2012 Stick line

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They are concave box shafts much like the Total One.

Hmmm, my favourite! May have to give the G55 a go! Did anyone get to try one out? Any idea if they're really low kick sticks, or more of a mid kick? I prefer mid kicks myself, but they seem to be relatively uncommon now, most companies are focusing more on low kicks.

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I was just wondering if anybody has had a chance to use the new sticks yet seeing as how they've been out for a bit already

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I've used a demo G55 ($130 retail) and we've been selling three models in my shop, the G15, G45 and G75.

We've sold quite a few and are getting very good feedback from those that purchased them. I think they're quite good sticks for the money. I liked the feel of the G55.

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Thanks a lot for the info. I've been debating between the Miken Z9 and the G75 trying to get some feedback for the Graf stick as I know reviews on the Z9 have all been really positive.

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