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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Switching from Zetterberg Curve to Iginla

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I've been a Zetterberg/Forsberg/Modano user since I first started playing. A few months ago I tried to make a transition to the P88/Iginla, but I couldn't get comfortable with it. I ended up coming back to the Zetterberg or using the Sherwood PP9 (Ryan) curve. Both of those seem to fit my style a bit more.

It is interesting to see the mention of cutting the stick down more. Maybe I would have liked the curve a bit more if I tried that.

Where's your stick at right now? I use to have my sticks a bit under my nose. Now I cut them down, and have them about a chin level, (a little under). I noticed, feel with the Iginla is better then Zetterberg at this height. Might even cut down another half inch or inch, as per suggestion by board members. Will update!

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I've been a Zetterberg/Forsberg/Modano user since I first started playing. A few months ago I tried to make a transition to the P88/Iginla, but I couldn't get comfortable with it. I ended up coming back to the Zetterberg or using the Sherwood PP9 (Ryan) curve. Both of those seem to fit my style a bit more.

It is interesting to see the mention of cutting the stick down more. Maybe I would have liked the curve a bit more if I tried that.

I have found thanks to good advice from Chadd and others on here, that as the lie goes up...the stick gets shorter. Easy as that.

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Where's your stick at right now? I use to have my sticks a bit under my nose. Now I cut them down, and have them about a chin level, (a little under). I noticed, feel with the Iginla is better then Zetterberg at this height. Might even cut down another half inch or inch, as per suggestion by board members. Will update!

I typically keep the stick around the the lip to chin area. I still have the blade in a backup stick, maybe I will experiment with it when my stick eventually breaks.

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Like you.... from mites to about peewee I used the modano style curve. One day I woke up and decided that I wanted to go banana and bought a Thorton curve.... now I am using a Chara curve and love it.

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The most noticeable difference going from the Zetter pattern to Iginla seems to be the blade height. The lower the height, the easier it is for pucks to skip over the blade, making it harder to corral bouncing pucks.

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Absolutely lovin the Iginla! Without a doubt, a convert from Zetterberg! Happily!

Bauer's equivalent to Iginla is the "Kane" pattern right?

Unfortunately this happened last night:


Do I pick up an EQ50 shaft? Or buy a Bauer 1 Piece Kane total one?

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The Kane has a slightly longer blade, a bit more rocker, the curve starts a bit more towards the heel, it has a rounder toe, and IMO it's a touch more open. I personally like the Kane much more than the Iginla, but it's personal preference. The Kane is more like a mix of the Iginla and the Zetterberg than an actual Iginla clone, people sometimes refer to it as an Iggy clone, but I definitely see them as different curves.

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The Kane has a slightly longer blade, a bit more rocker, the curve starts a bit more towards the heel, it has a rounder toe, and IMO it's a touch more open. I personally like the Kane much more than the Iginla, but it's personal preference. The Kane is more like a mix of the Iginla and the Zetterberg than an actual Iginla clone, people sometimes refer to it as an Iggy clone, but I definitely see them as different curves.

Good info.

Gonna actually pick up maybe an EQ50 Shaft to use with the blade, since I only used it in 2 games.

I'll compare the Kane if they have any, to iginla and Zetterberg- maybe get a picture or 2 to post up.

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So picked up an EQ50 100 flex shaft, and threw the EQ50 blade on it, and it shot NOTHING like it did when it was on my old stealth shaft.

Very disappointed.

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Most likely because the old Stealth shaft had softened up over the years. If you liked how the Stealth played then you probably should have gone with an 85 flex on the EQ50 shaft.

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Was actually thinking that might have been the problem too...

Stealth had much more flex on it then the EQ50. I've never used an 85 flex though, guess gotta give it a shot. At this point nothing to loose.

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