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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wide footed skates

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Hey Everyone,

I'm in the process of looking for a new set of skates and I'm having a problem finding a pair that fit comfortably. Currently, I have a one year old pair of Bauer Flexlite 4.0's and they are way too narrow.

What brands are known to be a wider fit, or am I looking at my only option is to really get a custom fitting?

On that topic, anyone know of a place preferrably in Northern Ontario that does custom fitting program?


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From past experience i have always found that the CCM and Reebok skates are generally wider..

Have you gotten fitted for skates at a store to see where you land on the width scale to figure out if you need a D Width is Regular Width | E Width is Wide Width | EE Width is Extra Wide.

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  On 11/17/2011 at 2:35 PM, AIREAYE said:

Easton Stealth has a wide forefoot and narrow ankle. Try Bauer Supreme as well.

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Surely Flexlites are wider than Supremes..?

I wear Flexlite 4's are the minute and they are slightly too narrow for me too, Easton Synergy's fitted me pretty well in the past. I've got a pair of Graf 709's coming in the post now. I'll let you know if they turn out to be wider than the Flexlites (I'm hoping they do!).

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I tried everything on, and even got a few pairs. Still not wde enough. Ended up ordering customs. The fitter laughed and said "no way a retail boot would ever fit you."

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I'd go with MLX, ccm U+ EE (cl, rld...) and last but not least, Graf, have tremendous depth when it comes to fitting, so you might want to try that as well. Sticking with bauer, I'd go with the supreme line... or go custom/take foot measurements and send to iw or hockey monkey's customer service, and see what they'd recomment...

good luck

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I have the same problem, I'd reccomend looking into customs. I have a EEE forefoot and an A heel. Currently in a custom pair of Total Ones. Absolutely love them. Like a poster said above, absolutely no retail skate will fit my foot. Although the Kor Shift 1 & 2 actually did a pretty decent job.


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  On 11/17/2011 at 4:28 PM, jbss71 said:

I tried everything on, and even got a few pairs. Still not wde enough. Ended up ordering customs. The fitter laughed and said "no way a retail boot would ever fit you."

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It is important to understand where the "width" of your footfoot comes from. If it is naturally wide then that is one consideration. The other consideration is if it is "functionally wide". This would be visible if you forefoot really changed dramatically from non-weight bearing to weightbearing. If this is the case then you may consider "skate orthotics" or custom footbeds. This will change the "functional width" of your foot and give you more options to find the right skate width

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Atleast for me custom footbeds eat up volume that i needed. My skates are 9 3/4EEEEB with a 11 toe box, and 1/4's. So I'd like to think I needed customs. They look like clown skates :o

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  On 11/22/2011 at 11:15 PM, hunterphfr said:

I have the same problem, I'd reccomend looking into customs. I have a EEE forefoot and an A heel. Currently in a custom pair of Total Ones. Absolutely love them. Like a poster said above, absolutely no retail skate will fit my foot. Although the Kor Shift 1 & 2 actually did a pretty decent job.


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How do you find out the size of your heel? Forefoot? Is forefoot the size listed on a retail box? Thanks

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