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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sher-Wood Nexon n12

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Anybody else pick one up? I for one am quite please with how it performs coming off of the t90. it's also in a very reasonable price bracket for people like myself (starving university student) who don't want to lose performance while they continue to play.

The best thing in my mind is the feel. I'd say the feel of this stick is on par with the one95 (my current backup) soft to touch, but stll crisp when required.

I also like how responsive it is, I didnt cut mine much being 6'2 but it doenst feel soft and I haven't had a problem shooting with it.

The only minor complaint I have so far is the shaft shape is a touch too skinny. somewhere between the t90 of last year and the slim fit one they came out with.

Anybody else pick one of these up?

or got any questions about it?

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The shaft shape is smaller and the feel is much better. not to mention its much lighter, but for the price of the t90 you can't go wrong.

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Assuming I continue to like the T90, I may give this stick a try in the future. Price point isn't quite as nice, but as long as I am getting something for that extra bit, I am happy.

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I was told that the SWD Nexon 12 SOPs would be available this Spring, and that min order has gone from 3 (like past RM19 SOP, T90 SOP) to 12. Can anyone verify this?

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i was told minimum order of 6, but can do 2 batches of 3. so if you double up with a buddy who likes his stick a certain way and he gets 3 and you like your sticks a certain way and you get 3 it still works, so long as the order is 6.

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i was told minimum order of 6, but can do 2 batches of 3. so if you double up with a buddy who likes his stick a certain way and he gets 3 and you like your sticks a certain way and you get 3 it still works, so long as the order is 6.

Did SWD tell you this?

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I was told that the SWD Nexon 12 SOPs would be available this Spring, and that min order has gone from 3 (like past RM19 SOP, T90 SOP) to 12. Can anyone verify this?

This is true. All Sher-wood custom/ SOP manufacturing has gone China now. Sher-wood is only offering custom OPS (no more blades) and the minimums are 12. This was straight from the head of their customs department a few months ago.

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