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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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There are new owners for Brians goalie. Vaughn, and some partners have purchased it and will be remaining at the same factory location, run with a smaller staff load. Just thought you would like to know

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There was a mention in Rennie's Sports Letter about it. It said an investment banking company bought it and didn't have to inherit the debt. The name changed to Brian's Custom Sports Ltd.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
There are new owners for Brians goalie. Vaughn, and some partners have purchased it and will be remaining at the same factory location, run with a smaller staff load. Just thought you would like to know

Brian's was purchased by an investment group that includes Mike Vaughn. Vaughn Custom Sports did not buy Brian's.

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will the same people be runnin the company?

Nope! And thank goodness for that!

We've already met the new rep and have a solid relationship with him. Seems like a great change for Brian's. They should do very well with the new people they have in place.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
will the same people be runnin the company?

Nope! And thank goodness for that!

We've already met the new rep and have a solid relationship with him. Seems like a great change for Brian's. They should do very well with the new people they have in place.

He's here! He's here! :D

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