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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Versteeg Customizer Curve

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By any chance does anybody have a good picture of the Versteeg curve from the Warrior customizer that they can post? I'm thinking of trying it based on the description I've read in the Customizer thread, but would prefer to see a decent picture first. The picture on the Customizer (and posted on MSH in the customizer thread) is not particularly useful. I just broke my CrazyOvi and liked it a lot but didn't love certain things about it, so I'm thinking of trying something new and the Versteeg sounds like what I might want. But it is tough to spend that much money on a curve sight unseen.

Any other thoughts on the curve?


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Thanks, those pictures are great. For some reason they did not come in my searches, so I hadn't seen them and very much appreciate the link. I think I am going to give it a shot.

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the above description is bang on. If you haven't already ordered I'll upload a pic of my left hander from the customizer for you. Best curve I've had since OPS create a 6 pattern universal world.

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Best curve I've had since OPS create a 6 pattern universal world.

I do not follow, can you please explain? I really wish there was a curve available that was a p91a with toe added to it.

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I mean since one pieces came out each manufacturer basically releases their own version of the same 5-6 patterns. Sort of a one size fits all mentality. Don't have time tonight but can upload in the next 2 days

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I mean since one pieces came out each manufacturer basically releases their own version of the same 5-6 patterns. Sort of a one size fits all mentality. Don't have time tonight but can upload in the next 2 days

You do not need to upload, I thought that was what you meant. I was just confused by the wording. I would like to try it again in a different stick. I was not a fan of the dolo I received.

Comparing the Versteeg lie mostly, same, or close to the Bauer P106?

I think it plays a lot different due to the blade length. It may be the longest blade I have ever seen!

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