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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Removing a stuck blade

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I need some help. I purchased a warrior johnson shaft with an AK blade for next to nothi at PIAS. Realized when I got home it was flipped and a blade put in the butt end. Rather than fool with shaving a plug for the other end, I figured I would use the blade in a new AK shaft on its way.

Now the problem. I cannot get the blade out. Looks like it was jammed in there nicely. I tried heat, then jamming a wooden dowel down the shaft but ended up snapping the dowel.

At this point I will sacrifice the shaft to save the blade. It there an easy (or somewhat easy) way to get the blade out without damaging it? I even tried drilling a hole at the butt of the shaft and putting a screwdriver through in an attempt to give myself leverage for my feet to pull it, but no go.

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Seeing as the shaft is already drilled into you can overheat the shaft to a point where the composite loses form and becomes soft and try and reef on the blade, but you can risk damaging the blade. If you have a decent file or something like an angle grinder just measure out how far the blade tennon goes into the shaft and make a cut there, then use the file/angle grinder on the corner of the remaining shaft until you reach the blade, then chisel the remaining shaft off.

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How much heat? I had a small heat gun and had trouble getting my last blade out of my AK shaft.Took it to the Source for Sports down the street, they used their big heat gun, had me grab one end, guy working grabbed the other and had it out in about 10 seconds, no charge.

Just wondering if you're using a small heat gun or dryer, it might not be enough.

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How much heat? I had a small heat gun and had trouble getting my last blade out of my AK shaft.Took it to the Source for Sports down the street, they used their big heat gun, had me grab one end, guy working grabbed the other and had it out in about 10 seconds, no charge.

Just wondering if you're using a small heat gun or dryer, it might not be enough.

+1, a normal hair dryer is never efficient enough. A proper heat gun should definitely do the trick.

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+1, a normal hair dryer is never efficient enough. A proper heat gun should definitely do the trick.

Agreed. Hop over to Lowes or Home Depot and drop $20 on a heat gun. Top setting and enough time will certainly soften that Johnson

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If you have a vice, or access to one, just heat the shaft up, lock it into the vice and pull with constant pressure. Be careful if it comes out unexpectedly, as it will send you backwards, but this should work without damaging the blade.

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Agreed. Hop over to Lowes or Home Depot and drop $20 on a heat gun. Top setting and enough time will certainly soften that Johnson

Agreed. Hop over to Lowes or Home Depot and drop $20 on a heat gun. Top setting and enough time will certainly soften that Johnson

I have a heat gun and had it on high setting for about one minute on each side of the shaft. The glue was bubbling up, so I know it was hot enough. And I have removed blades many many times with alot less heat.

I think I will try to cut the shaft off and try a file on the corner and peel the shaft off. At that point heat will probably help too.

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Man, that sucked. I sawed off the shaft just above the tenon and used a combination of pliers, screwdriver, razor blade, heat, and a good pair of leather gloves to tear apart the shaft. Ended up scoring the shaft down the center on both sides, then using heat and screwdriver to get underneath the shaft and pry it apart. Did that down both sides and it peeled right off. Ended up with a couple graphite/fiberglass splinters before I put the gloves on, but the blade came out in great shape.

Really impressed with the feel and weight of the AK27 shaft with an AK27 DD blade. No ice time yet, but it felt nice in my hands.

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This is why you should have asked before you started at your now hacked up shaft, what a waste.

Lesson learned, I hate to sound like "that guy" but there are so many topics on how to remove blades from a shaft and head over to a hardware store and buy a Heat Gun.

In my experience, CCM shafts have been a pain to take wooden blades out, with Warrior being relatively easy. Bauers are very straight forward (no pun intended).

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Read the whole thread before making a crappy comment. I searched, tried those methods, then posted here. Heat was the first thing I tried, I'm not a moron.

Afterwards, I sawed off the shaft to a straight cut and put an old abs blade in. I. Had to pound it on the cement several times to get it to insert. So there wino way I was going to pull out the old one without damaging something.

All in all, It really wasn't waste because I paid a whopping $21 for the combo and got an AK blade out of it.

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